
Will you please talk further about looking at the Dukkha caused by attachment, in order to lessen attachment to things like entertainment, people, the eight worldly dhammas.


The actual meditation subject of reflecting on Dukkha, reflecting on unsatisfactoriness, is very important to use on a regular basis, but that may not be everyday because it could get things too heavy. It is good to combine that with reflecting on cause and effect as well. To look into your past and to see situations where you did a certain action and then you had Dukkha come from it.

Examine what you did, what was the result, and then you try to examine what could you do different in the future? What could be the new result? Now a variation of that theme is that you start thinking of other people. You start to consider, OK, what would Steve do? In that case, what might be the result? What would someone like Mother Teresa do in that case, what would be the result? What would a murderer do in that case, what would be the result? Getting lots of span here. What would a little 5 year old do, what would be the result?

If you can look at one issue, one thing that you did in your life, and kind of put other people in there and imagine what would they do and what would be the result, it gives you clarity as to what the good results are, and what are the good actions as well. So that can actually help you, but you have got to identify the Dukkha first. OK? In order to lessen attachment, we actually have to identify Dukkha, we have to be truthful here, too.

The Parami of Truthfulness is very important. You have got to be truthful to yourself that this is giving me or others Dukkha. This is giving me or others pain. Then you have got to add the Compassion in there, I don't want this anymore. I don't want this anymore. And when you think of these sort of things it's always helpful, and many of you have heard it more than just in the retreat, to remember that "Conditions produce results, certain conditions produce certain results." If you don't want Dukkha from your attachment, you're going to have to look at the attachment, look at what the conditions are that bring it about, see whether you can change the conditions. If you change conditions, then the end result will be changed, too.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.