
How can we be more accepting of our Kamma and not get stuck in difficult mind states such as anger and self-blame?


Basically that is our whole practice - to be more accepting of the Kamma that we have and then working with it. So to a certain extent, every one of the different techniques is going to enable us to be more objective and more accepting, more forgiving, and more allowing for the past to be what it was, without thinking it should be different because that's impossible. So we take the past, we take our kammic stuff, some people refer to it as "kammic baggage" that we carry.

Everybody who comes into retreat brings their own baggage with them. And it just is what it is. So, to realize that there is absolutely no way to change past Kamma. It just is what it is. As much as we get upset, we get angry, we have self-blame - these are not necessarily past Kamma. If you are angry right now, you are creating new Kamma. The word Kamma generally is interpreted as what has been already done. What is happening now is your new creation of Kamma, what happens in the future can be a result of past Kamma.

So if you are angry right now or if you have got self-blame, it is important to be able to analyze it, to be able to reflect on it, to see that it is all dependently arising. This is helpful in relating to your past Kamma. When we think of accepting our Kamma and not getting stuck in negative states, it's really all the different techniques that we are going to use in this, because anger and self-blame are just more of the unbeneficial conditioning.

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