
Can you please explain the Parami of Morality?


When we look at the word "Morality," and we look at different societies, we can see that there are a lot of different interpretations of Morality. So we do have what we call "relative Morality" as to society's kind of guidelines. Here in Thailand, about 150 years ago you could have four wives and that was OK, there was nothing wrong with it, we would not say that was immoral. Now in Thailand they have a different law, as to the written word, that you have one wife. In the west, we have one wife. If you have more than that then you are immoral. Those are societies' guidelines on Morality.

But when we look at the Paramis though, on the Parami level, we want to go deeper than just what society says is okay. Society says it's OK in this country and where we have come from, to get drunk, just don't drive, don't do this, don't do that. In Malaysia, they have a different rule as far as the Muslims go. So we want to go deeper than these normal rules that look at things.

We want to go to Morality as an issue surrounding Compassion. Compassionate action and compassionate speech. That's our Morality. How we interrelate with others is considered the Morality level when they talk about the Noble Eightfold Path. When we think of the Noble Eightfold Path, they often refer the middle three sections of Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood as the Morality aspects. So in general, Morality is related with how we react to other people, how we interact. So can we go to a compassionate level? Can we actually do things out of compassion so we never bring harm to others? Can we never do harm to ourselves with our speech and our actions? In these ways, we will be getting closer to what they refer to as the Parami of Morality. Depending on definition, as to the Paramis, they may go more also into the mind states, but quite frankly for the most of you, there is enough to do on speech and actions. Mind states certainly come into it also, don't worry.

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