
How can I strengthen the Resolution or Determination Parami?


Resolution or Determination Parami depends a great deal on Saddha and understanding the importance of the practice. If we gain a great deal of understanding and appreciation towards the Dhamma practice we are trying to do, it helps in strengthening the Resolution/Determination factor. In order to strengthen Saddha, it is important to understand Dukkha and why we are practicing in the first place. And to gain an appreciation of the Noble Eightfold Path and how precious the Noble Eightfold Path is to our life. As well, how difficult it is for many people in the world who don't have a deeper direction in their life.

Gaining our appreciation of the practice of the Dhamma depends a great deal on Reflection about the Dhamma. Reflection about the Triple Gem, in particular. And what a difference it has probably already made in your life. So that when we come upon difficulties, problems, and Dukkha in our life, we know it's just another opportunity to practice. No matter how long it takes to transform ourselves. If you understand the value of what you are doing then difficulties that arise in the Noble Eightfold Path don't seem as overwhelming. We just keep on going because we value what we are doing. And we know we have a certain potential to overcome these difficulties.

Determination has a great deal to do with Saddha. If we haven't got a great deal of determination and fortitude in the face of difficulties, we may have to strengthen our Saddha, and strengthen our inner direction. This often comes by understanding how important our inner direction is. It is very easy, at times, to lose the understanding of how important the practice is compared to so many other things in life that seem to be important.

One Reflection I often encourage people to do is taking their "Dedication of Intention," combine it with "Death and Impermanence" and "to care and not to care." We often lack determination because of desire and getting lost in believing that things which aren't so important are important. By strengthening our understanding of what is important and what is not important in our lives, we can make more wise decisions when these urges in the mind arise. Then we become more determined to practice, even though it doesn't seem as pleasant to do as other things at that time.

So make the resolution, the dedication of intention - it starts out with the resolution. But in order to keep that resolution we have to remember, to think about it every day and to remember our direction in life, because it's so easy to forget our direction in life. Reflecting on it at least every day is very important. Then combining it with death. If I was to die today, all the things that I am considering important at this present moment - how important are they? What is important? Can I learn to care less about things that are not important and care more about the things that are?

Resolution/Determination seems to be linked to the ability to have equanimity towards the forces of desire in the mind. If you understand that the practice is a good thing to do, then you strengthen your resolve to do it even though it's boring sometimes. Because you realize that gradually it is going to change you. Compare it to these other things that you consider to be so important, and what are the results of them in your life?

Resolution/Determination depends also on Patience and Wisdom. But even if your Wisdom and Patience are not strong, if you have strong Determination then it keeps you going until the others can catch up. This is what I have found anyway. Luckily, maybe it was my good conditioning from my father, I always had a strong Determination Parami. It was always in my family that you don't give up if it's important to do, so that type of conditioning was in me when I was small - I am very thankful for that.

Sometimes there were times in my practice where I thought I wasn't going anywhere, but I never gave up. It's just that I realized I needed more understanding. So we went to more teachers, because I needed more methods. So even if you feel like you are on a plateau and not getting anywhere, it may be you just need more understanding. This is where the Kalyanamitta comes in - because one time - I probably told some of you - there was a time in my practice where I felt I was climbing up a rock and falling back down all the time, but I kept on climbing because I have a strong Determination Parami, so I kept on climbing, climbing and falling back down, climbing and falling back down, until I went to a teacher, and the teacher said, "Why don't you just walk around?" He gave me a method to walk around the rock and then when I was around the rock and I looked back, it wasn't there at all.

Often we create obstacles in our practice and then we have to figure out how to get over them, but actually, if we stop creating all those obstacles, we wouldn't have to climb over them so much. Sometimes we make it very complicated when it's quite simple. Sometimes it's just a matter of letting go, but that's sometimes too obvious. We make a big thing about what we have done in the past, and then to figure it out when all we have to do is see it and let it go. And see that we are a different person right now - we can start again.

Determination/Resolution is a very important Parami. In fact, it is written that in order to become a Buddha, the Determination Parami is very, very important. To keep going even when the going is tough. Because we don't have any other choice really. When we look at the alternatives, actually, it's just Dukkha. At least we know we are walking to the ending of Dukkha. This is a great joy that keeps you determined - realizing how fortunate we are even to have a path. Resolution/Determination - very important.

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