
I have trouble thinking of situations where receiving of the eight worldly dhammas doesn't really matter. Can you talk about this and give some examples?


I'm not quite sure what the full sentence was, I think Steve did this meditation, so I might give the wrong answer. Was it something to do with it seemed very important at that time but now looking back it doesn't really matter? Okay...

Yes, simplest example probably is when you were wishing for fame and you got obscurity at that time and you got upset about that, but when you look back, you can see that it didn't really matter that you got obscurity at that time. That it was just a craving to be noticed, but it didn't really matter, or on the other hand you got fame, and it made you feel so good, but when you look back, you see... ah, that attention that you had really didn't matter that much. Sometimes it just caused some difficulty for you. The same with praise and blame, etc. Looking into your past, you can probably see times where you wanted something very much, you didn't get it, but when you look back you can see it didn't really matter that you didn't get it, or you received something you liked and you thought it was very important at the time, but when you look back now, it really doesn't matter.

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