
I would like to hear your opinion to the question of violence. Is it not sometimes necessary to use violence, for eg. against brutal systems, people like Hitler, Saddam Hussein?


It is sometimes necessary to use a firmer face of Compassion in situations, if we have a broader picture of society protecting others. If we see someone oppressing others, then it may be necessary at times to take a stand, to protest, but we have to understand what our intention is for doing this and be very careful. Certainly for people like Hitler who was killing millions of people, there were some difficult decisions for people to make at that time, to know whether to stand up against such violence, or to let it continue.

On a smaller scale, people like the police and people who try to keep peace in society have to take strong action at times, to teach people that what they are doing is harming others and is also harming themselves. Compassion can be very firm at times. We have to look at our intention and make sure that it is based in Compassion rather than just anger and aversion, and always to try to find a way that is not violent if we can. Say for instance, for a police person to try to disarm someone who is harming others, is better than killing that person. The police also have to be clear about their intention, and see that they are not just into a power game and caught in the eight worldly conditions.

It is a very difficult question, and each of us has to answer in ourselves, whether we would be willing to be violent. I would rather run away. If someone was trying to be violent towards me I would rather run away than perhaps do anything violent towards that person. But sometimes we can't run away. So what do we do then? It is up to each of us to make a decision at that time, based on our understanding, and seeing the bigger picture; whether it is going to be compassionate for others, to try to stop someone who is causing harm. But always I believe it is important to try to avoid violence as much as possible.

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