
In the scriptures there is a long list of defilements, impurities, hindrances, roots, nuts, corruptions etc. Is it important to know them all, or can we note them when they are there or when they are absent?


By and large, you don't have to know very much about the scriptures, the five of this, the ten of that, and all these other big long lists. You actually don't have to know all that to do the practice, especially if you center around the Four Noble Truths. Very simple: Where is there Dukkha? Where is it coming from? How can I end it? What are the methods I am going to use to end it?

So, sometimes people have a lot of anger. I note that in the interviews, they have a lot of anger. Someone else comes into the interview, they have a little anger. Often they get exactly the same technique, it doesn't really matter to me. And in general, as I understand the teachings, the amount (a lot of anger, a little anger) doesn't matter. The techniques to combat them, to remove them, they are the same technique.

When we start looking at all these other different types of Dukkha lists, they are all something negative. But, to a certain degree, it is nice to know if anger is our predominant trait, because then we can understand we need more Compassion/Lovingkindness as an antidote. But then again if we have fear as our common trait, doing Compassion/Lovingkindness will still help a bit, but it might not be directly an antidote. So, if you don't know all the lists, but you keep practicing good techniques, then slowly they are going to chip away, because the main root of every defilement, of every impurity, of every corruption, of all these different words they use, the root of it all is ignorance. And in the scriptures, it is kind of clear, the biggest kind of ignorance that he is saying that we have, is ignorance of the Four Noble Truths. It is important to know that we are creating our mental pain, no-one else is creating our mental pain. And whatever physical pain comes to us that might be a creation today of somebody else, yet according to the theory, it is also coming from something we did in a past life, but that is theory on that level. Mental pain though, that we have today, is all of our own creation. So to know that is more important than to know all of the different types of mental Dukkha that we have.

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