
Can you please talk a bit more about Right View and Right Intention?


These are the first two factors of the Noble Eightfold Path. They are generally referred to as the Wisdom factors. The number one Right View is to understand the Four Noble Truths. It's very common for regular people, people who don't have a spiritual practice, to blame everything outside for their Dukkha. Blame the government for taking too much tax, blame the people next door for this, blame the people over there for that. It is very common for people to do that, and they think they are right, they think they are justified. Sometimes yes, but many times, no. And this is where we want to get our Right View straight. What is the Dukkha that we're responsible for? Can we actually see it? Can we actually acknowledge that: "This is something I have created, can I learn how to solve it?"

Now Right View and Right Intention go together. An intention based on harmlessness, having thoughts that are centered around harmlessness, having thoughts that are centered around more Compassion and Lovingkindness. Having thoughts that go away from violence, cruelty and such. So when our thoughts are in that direction, and our view is in a proper way, it is going to guide the other six factors of the Noble Eightfold Path. If you haven't got these two (to a certain extent) fairly well understood at least intellectually, then it is not really possible to do the other six very well. And many of you may have met people who have meditated for many years, who can maybe concentrate better than you, but they haven't got Right Speech. If we use this as an example, we can ask ourselves, "Where is their practice going, is it based in Right View and Right Intention?" Concentration and mindfulness are very important, but they are not most important. Right View and Right Intention are actually more important. If you have lousy concentration, but you know it, if you have lousy mindfulness, but you know it, and you have Right View and Right Intention, then you're doing fine. Keep working to improve it, but keep in mind that conditions produce results.

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