
It is very rare to be reborn as a human being, and even rarer during the period of time when the teachings of the Buddha are accessible. What can be done to be reborn during the lifetime of a future Buddha?


I wish I knew. Because I'd do it straight away and I'd do it the rest of my life. Because it'd be wonderful, to be born in the time of a Buddha! But all I can think of is to develop the sense of importance of the Dhamma in our life, and to make a dedication. Steve talked about a friend who likes to reflect on the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha if they feel that they're going to die: that's me. Why do I do that? I heard a teacher say that if you reflect on the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha then all your good Kamma will be directed towards hearing the Dhamma in this life. So I guess if I make a dedication towards reflecting on the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha as much as I can, and then if that's my last thought, then if I don't become enlightened at that time, perhaps in the next life I'll be connected with the Buddha-Dhamma again. And perhaps if I keep on that resolution perhaps it will keep going until I'm then reborn in the time of the Buddha. Wonderful!

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