
I have been working with balancing my strings, for example when I am too tight, trying to find reflections which help loosen up. Then when I have noticed that I have loosened up a bit being careful not to get too light. When I start to notice similar patterns do you think it would be helpful to reflect on Cause and Effect? If so, can this also be related to the Satipattana Sutta and in which way?


Ah, I see. So, maybe it means this person has been able to see that when they are too tight they can find reflections to loosen up. And when loosened up being careful not to get too light. So, bringing that understanding to see at other times how this can help them understand this. Using Cause and Effect can also be very helpful at that time to remember what worked before to loosen up, and what worked before to not get too light. I think that is how I understand it anyway.

"If so, can this also be related to the Satipattana Sutta and in which way?" Yes, actually, it can be related to the Seven Factors of Enlightenment, especially to know when they are present, know when they are not present, to see how they arise, and how to make them stronger. Sometimes when we are getting too loose, we are getting too caught up in the Tranquility factor of enlightenment. We need to know how to bring up more Energy through the Investigation factor of enlightenment. Sometimes when we are getting too tight we may be focusing too much on the Investigation, the second factor of enlightenment, and we need to focus more on the Tranquility factor of enlightenment to loosen up a bit. Or the Joy factor of enlightenment. So, this can be very much related to the Satipattana Sutta, especially knowing about the Seven Factors of Enlightenment. How they come to be, and how they become stronger, and how they need to be balanced.

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