
Why can't I maintain a reasonable level of practice at home? I don't have that many distractions!


Well maybe you need to have more motivation and you need to know how to bring up that motivation more easily. One meditation I often give to people who seem to lack motivation in their life, is to take their Dedication of Intention, Death, and the last of the five reflections, "To Care and Not To Care." We put them together and examine our life very closely. There are so many things in life that we consider to be important which are not that important. We get swayed by the desires and aversions in the present moment. We need a strong clear understanding of what is important and our clear inner direction, to actually have the motivation to bring forth some renunciation, renunciation of some of our pleasures that interfere with our practice.

First we put our Dedication of Intention: "May I dedicate my intention to develop the Paramis as much as I can, so I can be of more benefit to myself and all beings" with Death, and then we examine our life, and we examine what we normally do in our life each day. We take a particular way of living and we think, "How does this refer to my intention? Does it help me to develop the Paramis so I can be of more benefit to myself and all beings, considering that I may die tomorrow?" If we see that it really doesn't have that much of an effect of strengthening our motivation and our intention, we then develop determination and resolution, we make a resolution (there's another Parami!). Resolution to care a little bit less about this if we see it doesn't actually help our inner direction, developing "not to care" about this, Equanimity. If we see that we're not spending enough time on things that do help our inner direction we make a resolution to ourselves to care more about this through Compassion to ourselves. It's quite interesting to go through all the things we consider to be so important and see that so many of the things that we're doing actually aren't that important.

This is a very interesting meditation to do if you're trying to develop more motivation and determination. Without determination we don't actually practice. And from where does determination come? Confidence. Confidence in the direction, confidence in the Buddha. So develop more confidence inspiring objects, learn how to reflect on the Buddha more often, because he reminds you of your human potential. We're forgetting our human potential so many times in our normal life, we're forgetting to develop our human potential in this precious life that we have, the precious human life. Reflecting more on the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha is very helpful in our life to remember our human potential. So there are a few meditations. There are a lot of reflection meditations, because they help us to develop some Right View, which helps us to develop more Compassion for ourselves and others, and develop motivation.

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