
Because of the enormity of the days to come in this retreat I sometimes hang down and feel tired.


If you sometimes "hang down and feel tired", reflect on How Fortunate You Are. It's the number one energy motivator. "I'm fortunate now, I've got this now, I don't know how long I've got it for! What am I doing getting worried because I'm a bit tired? So what!" You've got to charge yourself up. If you're feeling down, charge yourself up. We absolutely guarantee it; the number one technique that I personally use is to reflect on How Fortunate I Am.

Now, personally, I am adamantly interested in destroying every thought of self-pity that arises in my mind. This is basically a project that I've had for a number of years, that I absolutely want to destroy any thought of feeling down. Feeling physically tired is different, sure I'll feel physically tired sometimes. But I'm not going to let my mind feel down. I'm working very strongly personally to destroy self-pity, and "How fortunate I am" is the number one way to destroy it as far as I'm concerned. So instead of hanging down, hang in there!

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