
How does Buddhism explain "déjà vu" and why does it happen?


For those of you who don't know, "déjà vu" is a time when somebody all of a sudden has a feeling, "I've been here before, I've done this before". Now, it normally happens when they've never ever been in that place before in this life, but these thoughts come up. Personally, I don't know that feeling, it has never happened to me. But it happens to Rosemary quite often, and up until a certain point, I was not really sure what to make of it. I'd read about it, she'd told me occasionally she has a feeling, "I've been here before", but I didn't really know what to make of it.

It was a little over twenty years ago. We had already been married twelve or so years. We were visiting her parents, and one of her brothers came to visit at the same time. This brother was her close brother, they're two years apart, both the same star signs, and they were very close growing up. We took a walk in an area we had never been before. It was down a dirt road, and there was a little bridge. And either we were near the bridge or right on the bridge, I can't remember exactly, none of us had ever been there before. But as we were walking on that spot, I was in the middle, Rosemary was on one side, her brother was on the other side of me, and I got stereo, "I think I've been here before". They both said it at exactly the same time. It freaked me out. I believe déjà vu has something in it. Rosemary by herself is one thing, but when two people say it at exactly the same time, that's a little much!

So how does Buddhism explain it? I don't know. I have never read a single thing in a Buddhist book explaining déjà vu. However, we can assume that Buddhism would say that situation has happened before in a past life. But I've never read it, and I can't say for sure.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.