
Would you please express some of your thoughts about the following words of the Buddha which go a bit like this: "Whoever sees the Dhamma, sees me, whoever sees me sees the Dhamma"? Does this mean we actually reflect about a double gem?


Double gem, interesting. I've only heard of the Triple Gem. "Whoever sees the Dhamma, sees me, whoever sees me sees the Dhamma." Okay, as much as I understand, the Triple Gem (the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha), once you're fully Enlightened, it's almost as if they are all the same. But it's just a different kind of perspective on it. Now, don't quote me on all this, I'm not Enlightened, so I can't guarantee what I'm saying here is absolutely correct. But to my understanding, if you see the Dhamma, you automatically see the Buddha, you automatically see the Sangha. If you're fully Enlightened, you see the Buddha, you automatically see the Dhamma, you automatically see the Sangha. You basically see them all together, they're inseparable because it is this Triple Gem. It's all one, you can't really divide them. That's how I would interpret this little saying "Whoever sees the Dhamma, sees me, whoever sees me, sees the Dhamma".

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