
The other day, Steve spoke about moral shame and moral regret in life. What about feeling moral shame about something you did, said, or thought in a dream? Is it useful to add such actions etc. to your moral shame database, so they may not occur in waking life later on?


Whenever I personally have a dream in which I am not happy about what I did, I do Compassion/Lovingkindness to myself when I wake up. I don't want those thoughts in my dreams or at any time at all. So yeah, I have a type of mild moral shame, but I just treat it as a kind of nightmare type thing, as we've advised you before, I do Compassion/Lovingkindness for myself for having those thoughts. Then I may do Compassion/Lovingkindness for everybody in the world who has those kind of thoughts. Then it is easier to let go of it.

On the level of thought, there is a difference of Buddhist practice and some types of Christianity when they really want to be strict about a teaching they call the "Sermon on the Mount". Christianity, Judaism and such, have what is called the Ten Commandments, most of you know about them. In this teaching called the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus went even deeper into some of these teachings. And supposedly, I don't remember the exact words, but he said that even if you have a thought of lust, it's a sin, it's evil, it's terrible. OK, he was really heavy. Even if you have a thought of lust for another person, that's similar to adultery.

Buddhism doesn't agree with that. Adultery is a level of physical contact, speech and so on, plus mind. Whereas only a thought of it, that is not worked on, is only a little ripple. So we don't want to think that moral shame towards real adultery would be the same as moral shame towards a thought of adultery or even a dream about it. So, we know that it is just a mild thing. We would rather not have it in the future, so it can be added to the database. And we try to guard our mind in normal life not to have that type of thought, and then hopefully it won't come up in the dreams either.

I will just add one other thing about that newspaper I was reading. They had some other statistics about how much violence is seen within a certain amount of time frame, like straight after dinner, when it's family time on the TV. Something like five scenes of violence in that 30 minute show, which is normally a "funny" show for little kids and all. In the Saturday cartoon shows, around 2000 violent acts are shown the whole day of Saturday. This is all stuff that is going into people's minds. It's going to come up in their dreams, isn't it? For a lot of us, what we watched way back 30 years ago, somehow it still comes up. So we have to guard against putting that in our mind if we want our dreams not to have it.

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