
Could you also explain in this context how to avoid a tendency to develop a liking towards obscurity?


An unbalanced liking towards obscurity is not useful because we develop a fear towards fame. This doesn't mean that we may not like solitude and not having the attention of others. Developing a healthy sense of contentment with obscurity is very important in the practice, as it helps to lessen some of our craving for other people's attention, etc.

However, the unbalanced liking for obscurity is when we develop a fear of fame or having people's attention, and sometimes that will come from fear of blame. If we allow this to go too far it may actually prevent us from fulfilling our potential in some way. That is, we may not wish to take on extra responsibilities that can be beneficial for ourselves or for others. So in order to have a healthy balance here, we have to develop more Compassion; a Compassion that is willing to take on the responsibility and is not avoiding it just through fear of fame, fear of being in the spotlight, or fear of blame. Developing more Compassion and focusing on our intention of why we are doing certain things, will help us to develop a more healthy balance between fame and obscurity here.

Fear of other people's opinion of us; this is where death reflection and Kamma reflection can come in very handy. Reflection on death: the understanding that all of us are going to die. Sometimes we make others much more important, and then they have much more power over us. And what we also like to look at more is our Kamma, so we have the courage to be in the spotlight and the courage to take blame when it's necessary, or open ourselves to praise as well. Because often there is a wish for obscurity because we don't want to get praise; we're afraid of that, too. Learning how to accept praise without fear that is going to unbalance us is also necessary so that we don't crave obscurity and the pleasure of contentment that such obscurity can bring. So to develop a certain amount of renunciation is very helpful, renunciation of the pleasure of obscurity, and the ease of lack of responsibility.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.