
Why are your retreats absolutely identical, I mean your talks?


We don't have to change the talks, because real people change. This is very important. As I said before, one of you is 14 years older than when you first came to us. Are you different? Of course you're different. Now with our talks in your first retreat, did you understand everything perfectly? No. Otherwise you wouldn't have come back! You did not understand everything perfectly, and in your second retreat did you understand everything perfectly? No. After 5 retreats for some of you? No. And for some of you, 15 or more retreats? No. Are you changing? Yes. Some of you came to us as very young single people. Now you're married. Some of you have children. You're not the same person who came and listened to these talks before.

Now there's another reason. Why is it that in school they always teach adding, then subtracting, then multiplying, then dividing? Then later comes geometry and algebra. Why don't they teach algebra first? Because it's been proven that people should add first, then subtract and so on. It works. It absolutely works. And it doesn't just work for new people, it works for people in the beginning, in the middle, and hopefully it will keep working for others. Whenever we say something we're giving different levels. At exactly the same moment you're taking in something in a certain way, the person next to you may be taking it in a totally different way. Somebody else might not even hear it.

Once a person in their fourth retreat, on day 8, comes into the interview with me and says, "Did you give that talk on the Five Reflections before?" They didn't even know it. Fourth retreat! OK, it takes time to absorb everything, on every level. The retreat works, as people keep changing, even the people that come back, as you all know, they keep changing. So we don't have to change the basic talks.

Yet as people become more experienced more teachings are given in interviews. Generally you've got new questions. You've got new life experiences. You've got new problems that need a different angle to look at. And then that's another reason we're having this special retreat. To give you something different, give you some more techniques, plus we've got a 20-day retreat in Thailand. There's more that we know. There's heaps more than besides these three retreats that we also know. You'll have to ask more questions. Maybe one day we'll have a 4th retreat as well. I should actually say a 5th retreat, because we actually do have a 4th retreat. That is the assistant program, or the work retreat. It's a very special time. Many people have benefited greatly with the closer connection they have with Rosemary and me on a regular everyday basis. So that is another thing you might consider for the future.

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