
The forces of hindrances in our life are plenty. How do we get rid of these?


It depends on whether you are talking about internal or external hindrances. Concerning external obstacles:

They hinder us from doing something. How do we get rid of them? Sometimes we don't. Sometimes we just learn to go around them, we learn to get over them, under them, they can stay there! Does that sound weird? Some of the difficulties you have in your life can actually stay there, if your reaction is different. We are not into changing whole worlds, it can't be done. The Buddha didn't give us the methods in order to change the world. The Buddha gave us methods to change our reactions to the world, how we think, how we will react, what we will do. So the hindrances or obstacles in life may still come, but it depends on how we react to them as to whether we are going to have any peace in the mind. Now this doesn't mean that we always just accept things as they are, because there is also the effort to prevent. Sometimes we have to change our job, if we reflect and see that it's not suitable and creates too much difficulties and stress.

Or we may move from one place to another, because where we are living creates too much stress. Or more simply, we may have to change our shoes, if they are too tight or create physical problems. So there are times when we do try to change conditions which bring about stress. But many times we don't need to.

And, of course, we need to focus on the mental hindrances - using appropriate methods to let go of them. Sometimes we may focus on the effort to develop beneficial qualities like Compassion and Lovingkindness, so that we have more patience and it is easier to let go. Other times it is developing more Wisdom of the existence of Dukkha and Impermanence so we have more equanimity in the face of difficulties. Alternatively if we are too self-focused, reflecting on the universality of Dukkha may help us be more accepting and courageous to understand the human condition as it is. And we need to maintain this sort of practice because it is easy for human beings to forget what is important and not take care of their practice. If we do this we tend to develop excessive expectations and non-acceptance of Dukkha and life as it is.

Thus to help overcome hindrances, there are Four Great Efforts: the effort to prevent, the effort to let go, the effort to develop and the effort to maintain. Perhaps that's a new perspective for you.

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