
How does one get to know whether their meditation is right or wrong?


You're going to test for yourself whether you have become more peaceful, whether you have become more loving, whether you are able to forgive people easier, whether you have less anger, less fear, You've got to look at your own growth yourself. If you see those things changing, if you see good qualities growing, such as the Ten Paramis, Perfections, if you see the hindrances shrinking, that'll prove that your meditation is working in the sense of mental development, Citta Bhavana. Throughout the day test yourself as to what happens to your mind and body when you're stuck in a traffic jam, when the red light is on too long, when the bus is late, when the hot coffee or tea is cold, those are the real tests. Can we understand the impermanence of experience and the result of craving or aversion in our everyday life. See Dukkha, where it really comes from and let it go? I never tell people to only test their progress sitting on a pillow, just by their ability to get concentrated. But if they can see the arising and passing of experience and have wise reactions to them on the pillow and in everyday life, then they're going to know their practice is going in the right direction.

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