
I still find myself struggling to eat moderately. How can I rebalance this drive to eat so much mindlessly?


One needs more attention to the food reflection. Giving more time to the food reflection helps one to understand that eating is to keep the body alive and healthy. We understand how fortunate we are, and put a little bit more effort into the last reflection, understanding the Dukkha that arises in the food cycle, how the food got to us, and the beings that had to suffer or die in the process of bringing food to us. With the arising of Compassion for the cycle of the food chain, it helps to balance some of the desire that comes up for the pleasant taste. This is because we understand the suffering involved in having it. Mindfulness is very helpful, because sometimes when we have the craving, and wanting, wanting, wanting, we're not tasting what we've actually got in our mouth, we're wanting the next one, wanting the next taste. It is also helpful to see if it's a comfort thing. To look and see whether we have a certain amount of self-aversion in the mind, whether we're craving this pleasantness so that we don't feel that pain so much. So a bit more effort on having Compassion for ourselves is probably helpful, along with being aware of the fullness in the stomach so that we know actually when is enough.

This is a difficult one, food desire, because usually it's the one desire allowed in the retreat, and it's the one desire that we all have to do in order to live. From when we were very young, it's been a comfort to us, from the very first mouthful of mother's milk to alleviate the pain. So it is greatly involved with the alleviation of Dukkha. This needs a lot of practice, especially on the food reflection, to understand the true purpose of eating. Also it may be helpful to look into your practice to see whether you also know types of reflections to bring up more spiritual joy. Often if our practice is rather dry, there may be more of a craving for worldly type of pleasures. But if we're developing more spiritual joy as we practice, it helps us to not seek these things as much. It helps to balance the worldly desires and make them a more moderate. So there are quite a few ways to look at this and ask yourself some questions to see if this is happening for you.

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