
Could you please give few words of explanation to your statement "having the Patience Parami perfected is almost the same as being enlightened."


Yes, sometimes I say, that if we could perfect patience, that would be almost like being enlightened. I say almost, because patience can be developed with wisdom. Or patience can be developed with sheer willpower that may not have any wisdom at all, and may just be motivated more by the eight worldly conditions, of wanting praise, wanting gain, wanting pleasure, wanting fame. When patience has wisdom with it, it's definitely the type of patience we want, it's going to take us towards enlightenment.

We're patient because we know it's going to pass anyhow. We're patient because we don't want to get too greedy, because that brings Dukkha. We're patient because, "Why not?," when we have nothing else to do.

But another type of patience is, "I'm going to be patient, I'm going to do it" due to wanting the praise of someone else. "I can sit still for three and a half hours!" Whatever. But that's just willpower patience. That type of patience is not going to take a person towards enlightenment in the same way as one that is backed by Right View and Right Intention. It's still valuable. Any degree of patience is still valuable.

It's just that if we've only got the patience that's based on willpower, can we bend that a little? It's not the best type of patience yet. It's still very good, people who have a lot of willpower can get a lot done. But can we balance it with the strength that comes from Wisdom and compassion - unselfish motivations.

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