
What is the relationship between Generosity and Equanimity? And between Morality and Equanimity?


Equanimity itself, what does it really mean? There is a balance in the mind. We are not wanting, wanting, wanting. We are not hating, hating, hating. A mind that is very balanced is very strong. A mind that is very strong can be generous without wanting anything back. That's a nice place to be isn't it, when you actually give and you don't want something back? Compare that to times in your life when you gave something to somebody but you really wanted something back. So for generosity to be an easy giving without wanting something back, equanimity is part of that balance.

Equanimity and Morality. As long as you want, want, want more, then your morality might go out the window. I think a couple days ago I talked a little bit about Morality. When you are content, say on a relationship level, with the partner you have and some beautiful man or woman passes by and you are able to stay equanimous, then that helps your morality. When you have friction arise in your relationship and your loved one blames you a bit unjustly sometimes, then if you can have equanimity with that blame you won't create a bigger problem by blaming them back, right? Here we go, equanimity helping you with your morality. Equanimity basically helps throughout the practice, every aspect of the practice. Equanimity is a big one, so it is worth working on a lot. If you find you go too far wanting, wanting, if you find yourself going too far hating, hating, remind yourself of how important equanimity is and then try to balance that.

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