
How can we keep the awareness of the mental Dukkha in our daily life more awake?


Grab the door, and be there grabbing the door. Put on and off your clothes, and be there putting on and off your clothes. Theravadin Buddhism, especially how we teach, is a 24-hour practice. You have doors here in retreat and you have doors at home, you take your clothes on and off here in retreat and you take your clothes on and off at home. You brush your teeth, you have all sorts of things to try to be mindful of. Get that in there.

The more you become aware using all these Special Mindfulness Activities, the more it is going to become a 24-hour practice.

If you need to, invent a new special mindfulness activity back in your normal life. Everyday is too much, once a week or every two weeks. Write it down on a piece of paper, maybe on 3 or 4 pieces of paper. Stick one on your refrigerator, one on the mirror in the bathroom, stick one on your clothes drawer or cupboard, so you remind yourself what to practice for those two weeks. Whatever it is, unscrewing the toothpaste, whatever it is. Bring that up and you will have more awareness then of your mental Dukkha. Because if you can't get awareness of your physical body going in your daily life, you will not have the foundation for becoming more aware of your thoughts and the mental Dukkha that some thoughts create so easily in your daily life. You have to work the physical awareness, mindfulness of the body more in your daily life to catch your mental Dukkha.

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