
The sitting posture makes problems, I become a little impatient with it. Can you help?


If you're impatient with your posture, change your posture, see if something else works. But you know there are some people who just can't get comfortable. We had a person in retreat who'd sit in the back against the wall slouched over, moving a lot and he looked like he was goofing off, he really did. So we wrote him a note and said, "just try harder". He writes back a note, "I broke my back a year and a half ago." He didn't put it on his form! He said he was healthy, now he tells us he broke his back. So we said that's all right, you can sit however is comfortable. So he kept moving and that was fine.

Now we had another person, this one was a young woman, who'd done lots of yoga, and she sat like a brick, as good as me or better. She was perfect.

On Day 9, when the talking begins, normally Rosemary and I go off alone. As you guys are so busy talking, no one comes to see us. She came to us crying. Everybody was complimenting her on her perfect posture, this was her first retreat, and she said, " They think I'm a great meditator but they don't know what I'm thinking about!" Interesting?

Posture, we don't worry that much about the posture. As much as I say push the limit a little, that's for a specific purpose. Very few people can sit as good as I sit. We don't worry, what's going on inside is most important.

So the guy, up against the wall slouched over all the time, was actually doing quite well, with working with memories of his car accident and everything else. The guy in the back had a lousy posture, but he was doing quite well.

But this young woman was a brand new meditator. Even though she had perfect posture, she had the normal mind of a new meditator that wandered a lot.

This is something to be aware of, what's going on in your mind and your heart, that's what you're really here for, if you can stay still, that's what we'd like to do, that's less bother and all, but what you're doing with your mind and your heart is most important.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.