
Can you please speak about the eight worldly dhammas and suggest methods to help lessen the attachments to them?


Just as you observe your mind and try to examine the thoughts in regards to the Five Hindrances, you can also go a little bit further, particularly if it is persistent and you are getting lost in them. For example, if you have noted the aversion, you can then ask, "Which of the eight of the worldly dhammas am I reacting to?" By learning how to recognize them in our life we will come closer to being able to work with them. Unless we know when we are getting attached to them, we won't be able to lessen the attachment to them.

First you have to learn the list by heart and reflect on its meaning. Unless you know what they are, it is very difficult to recognize them in your life. You will need to increase the power of your awareness and the mental noting in your life, to be able to recognize these dhammas.

If we recognize that our hindrances are based in our reaction to praise and blame, it will be important to recognize our intentions behind our actions and reflect on our intentions, trying to make them as skillful as possible. Then if we get praise or blame, we'll feel less swayed by them because we understand that we had a good intention.

So in order to let go of attachment to the result of our actions and concern about how other people judge us, we have to improve the power of our compassionate intention.

Fame and obscurity are an interesting pair. A lot of people like attention. Fame doesn't only mean that we become famous in the world, but also when we are famous in the eyes of others, or one person at least, we want attention. Lessening our attachment to wanting attention means learning how to be content within ourselves, increasing the beneficial qualities within ourselves and being content with who we are. Then we may not want other people to love us in order to prove our self worth. This also depends on developing beneficial qualities, learning how to take joy with them and learning how to have compassion for our not-so-good qualities.

Some people may wonder how people can be attached to obscurity, but it is quite an attachment for many because they have fear of blame. They may not like to be noticed by others because they don't have a strong confidence in themselves, or they are afraid of the responsibilities of fame. So again, developing more compassionate intention helps us to lessen attachment to obscurity and take on the responsibilities of fame.

Pleasure and pain are a difficult pair. Most people do not like pain. We need to learn how to reflect on Dukkha, to understand that pain is part of existence. To reflect on the natural aging of the body and to understand that pain comes to all beings. Also, the D/D technique is very helpful for working with pain, mental or physical.

Pleasure is a difficult one. Life is full of different pleasures. Yet pleasure is impermanent. If you understand the dangers of continuing to cycle in Dukkha, you will want to lessen your attachment to pleasures, in the sense that it is the source of many people wanting to "become" and continually seek a body to have more pleasure. We need a body in order to have pleasure, yet once we have a body we also get aging and disease, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair. So it helps to understand the repercussions of having a body that continually seeks pleasure.

I have run out of time today, so we'll have to leave gain and loss for another day.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.