
Is it from a Buddhist point of view better to bury or to burn human corpses?


In Thailand, the Theravadin Buddhists burn bodies, the Chinese Buddhists bury bodies. From ancient India, originally, it was always burning the bodies as far as I know within Buddhism. Whether this is traditional, or whether it is better or worse I can't actually answer that question. I would say that due to the fact that there have been cases where people had been buried still alive, I personally would rather be burned.

From an economical position, burning is a lot easier to do, saves money, saves earth resources, doesn't clutter up a cemetery as much. So there are basic economic reasons which make it more feasible. You can understand in India, where they have over one billion people now, that if they had to have cemeteries with bodies in the ground everywhere, they wouldn't have any room left for people.

There can be different reasons on different levels as to it being better or worse. Regarding a theoretical reason as to it benefiting us or our rebirth status, I don't know anything about Buddhism in regards to that.

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