
Facing the reactions of other people, I see a pretty big deal of fear of blame involved. Especially concerning my hesitation to tell you about meditators who don't follow all the rules here, how can I work with these things?


It would probably be more helpful to focus more on your intention rather than what we call the eight worldly conditions; praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and pain, fame and obscurity. As to the hesitation about meditators who don't follow the rules: if we don't know whether they follow the rules, if they have a problem, Steve and I can't help them.

The rules came about to aid the whole group, to make the most beneficial conditions for the retreat so that everybody would benefit the most from it. Sometimes if we are aware that a meditator has problems, we are able to help them. If we don't know, then this person could cause a disruption to the whole group and many people have come a long way to get the most benefit from the conditions that we provide. For example, someone who's speaking to other meditators isn't actually showing them Compassion. They will often have a difficulty within themselves that we can help them with.

So it's helpful to actually understand that the rules have come about to help everybody to get the most benefit, and to help those who have some problems with being considerate to the other meditators so that they can learn a new way. Because usually if they are not considerate to others here, then they have this pattern in their life which probably will make them have difficulties in their relationships with other people.

A lot of Westerners are used to the idea of democracy, being able to do whatever they like and seeing that as freedom. However we do live in society and we have to see whether our freedoms interfere with the freedoms of others. And specifically here we have a purpose - we try to help each other find the path to inner peace.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.