
When we have deep regret about blamable actions that we have done or been part of, how can we learn to skillfully let go of them? Particularly if we have not perceived any blame for these actions we may even receive respect, as others assume you have not been involved in blamable actions.


OK, we did something that was blamable and yet we actually got praise, because people thought we weren't involved in it. Now sometimes it's important that we admit, "Wait a minute, we were part of it, we don't deserve the praise". There's no way we should take praise if we've done something that was unskillful. Sometimes it's not easy to say that to people without getting into more trouble. So that can be a consideration at times, to actually understand that sometimes admitting what we've done that people even don't know about might create a bigger problem instead. That's important.

As to what we do inside though, it's going to be the same. Whether people know about what we did that was unskillful, whether they don't know about what we did that was unskillful, we have to work inside. We have to acknowledge that what we did was unskillful, we have to try to forgive ourselves for what we did, try to have Compassion for our mistakes and our unwise actions. This is all the same. Whether other people know about it, whether they don't, this part is the same. So the different techniques that we've given you, based on the Compassion/Lovingkindness can be used. Later in this retreat, we also plan to teach you a forgiveness type of meditation which would be very helpful for you to be able to let go of the deep regret about blamable actions that you have done.

But as to letting other people know about it or not, if it's very easy to say, "Wait a minute, I did something wrong", go ahead and say it straight away, don't hold it inside and let people think you were a good person when you really weren't. But there may be occasions, an odd occasion here and there, where it would be wiser not to say it because of a bigger problem that could come.

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