
Through observing the mind, I sometimes find that I miss being in the moment more than observing. I observe myself, observe myself, but, I miss life and the moment. For example, I sit and laugh with others, but can not enjoy the moment because I am observing all the time. It becomes an obsession. Can you help?


When it's time to observe, and when it's time to practice awareness we do. When it's time to actually be present, we try to just be present, without the commentator going on in the mind who's observing everything. We have to be careful that we don't get caught up in just wanting to be somebody who is looking at everything, looking at everything, looking at everything, because being present is part of our life and we want to learn how to do it. When we look at the basic meditation practices we are teaching you, some of the techniques, like walking meditation, breath awareness, or body awareness, that's trying to be in the moment, actually being there, letting go of thought, letting go of thought, letting go of thought. Then there are other times when we are reflecting; reflecting about things. We might reflect about life, we might reflect about things, we might be observing and reflecting about something. We have these two parts of the practice, and we don't just want to get stuck on one part and negate the other. So if you find that you are not being able to present and you are too much thinking about the present, then you are going to have to try to get more into the body awareness part of the practice.

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