
What is covered by the Morality Parami. Could you please talk a little bit about this?


In Buddhism there are usually some basic morality rules that lay people are encouraged to follow, these are the Five Precepts. They are: To take on the training to abstain from killing living beings, to take on the training to abstain from taking what is not given, to take on the training to abstain from wrong conduct in sexual relations, to take on the training to abstain from lying, false speech and to take on the training to abstain from intoxicants which confuse the mind.

These are the basic Five Precepts that lay Buddhists are encouraged to follow. If you look at them all you'll see they are based in the compassionate intention - not to take the lives of living beings, not to take what is not given, not to have wrong conduct in sexual relations, adultery or if you are in a relationship not to have relations with other people, people who are under age, by force, etc. False speech - nobody likes to be lied to and usually you'll lose their trust if you do so. To abstain from intoxicants that confuse the mind - as meditators we've got to realize how difficult it is to work with Mara, to make sure that we are in control needs quite a lot of awareness, to prevent our ignorance and our selfishness from going out of control. By using intoxicants, not only are we seeking to relax or have pleasure from external conditions, but we're also clouding our awareness, which is so valuable, that protects us and others.

Also the three factors of the Noble Eightfold Path that are usually considered the morality section are Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood. What comes before that is Right View, understanding that everything we think, say and do has results - understanding the Law of Kamma, etc. Right Intention - the Buddha talks about Right Intention as thoughts directed to harmlessness, free from ill will and cruelty. We have to have some Right Intention and understand what is beneficial and what is not, what causes harm and what does not, before we can have Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood that doesn't cause harm for ourselves and others. So if we develop our compassion and all our Paramis, we have a much better morality, because we're more concerned about how our own actions, speech and thoughts affect ourselves and others.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.