
How do you advise sending a feeling of Lovingkindness or thought formulated wish?


Our normal phrases that Rosemary and I use are on the bulletin board in the dining hall, if you don't have them. The one that I use is slightly modified at times but in general it's the same. So that is the formulated wish. The word "send" though - can I just point out, that we don't usually use the term "sending" Compassion/Lovingkindness. We are wishing Compassion/Lovingkindness. There is a difference here. Sending implies I am giving something to them. Wishing is just a wish, just that there's a wish around them. Taking the "I" out of it. Keep that in mind. We don't teach people to send out the Compassion/Lovingkindness, rather we teach them to wish it.

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