
How does one prevent Equanimity turning/changing/sliding/falling into indifference?


Compassion is the key, keep your Compassion growing, keep it there, that's the key. Indifference couldn't care less. That's the basic definition of indifference, it just couldn't care less. Indifference doesn't care that the world is suffering. It doesn't care that people are dying in Africa because they haven't got electrolytes and that diarrhea kills people in Africa. You've all had diarrhea I would imagine, did you ever die from it? Obviously not. We sell electrolytes here for the meditators' needs, 10 Baht, 15 Baht, whatever, very cheap. but there're kids dying in Africa today, I think on average every 15 minutes or so, a child dies of diarrhea. Why? Because a lot of the world is indifferent, a lot of the world doesn't care, a lot of the world sits back and watches the news and sees these people starving and couldn't care less.

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