
Confidence and contentment seem to be great helpers in our training. Can you please say a few words about that and give me some advice on how I can use reflection on my past actions and my virtue in a more effective way in my everyday life.


First of all to remember when we wake up in the morning to think about how fortunate so we are can bring more contentment into our life. It's amazing if we start the day being thankful, how more contentment can arise in our life. So remembering how fortunate we are, especially in the perspective of having an opportunity to practice the Dhamma, having been in contact with the Dhamma, remembering this at the beginning of the day is very helpful.

Reminding ourselves of our inner direction at the beginning of the day is also very helpful for the arising of contentment. So it's helpful to start the day with a dedication of our energies, understanding why we are practicing, for the benefit of ourselves and others. This helps to bring a bit more contentment into your practice which can lessen the need to seek instant results or simply judging our practice on the achievement of calm .

Reflecting on your past good actions and your virtue. Remembering your past good actions and your virtue is very important for developing confidence. I give a little hint to people who have a tendency toward doubt in their everyday life, to, at the end of the day, write down two or three things that you did well during the day, that were motivated by good intention or that was generous and then put it in a jar called a 'good Kamma' jar. Then when you are having a very doubtful day get the jar out and start to look at some of your good past actions. Or if you are the type who tries to think about your good past Kamma - "yes I did that but, yes I did that but" - it may be worth having the jar right next to you! And another thing that is very helpful is to be very careful about this word 'but' because it is a pain in the Butt! Try to pay extra special attention to this word "but" because it denies everything you've reflected about and you've actually changed the reflection from your good past actions to your negative qualities. So try to be very careful about this word 'but', and its relatives: however, maybe, perhaps, etc.

Regarding bringing a good intention towards what you are doing throughout the day, another way to bring about more confidence is to do more in your life, to do more generous actions and then write about it and put it in your little contentment jar so that you can remember it later.

One person tried to use the Paramis as a way to motivate more good actions throughout the day. They took the Ten Paramis and dedicated one week towards each one, trying to be aware of this one Parami as much as possible and trying to practice it and increase it in their daily lives. That takes 10 weeks if you do it one per week. And if you try to do more in your everyday life when you try to remember them you'll have much more to remember. But if you don't try to do more good actions in your everyday life, it's very hard to remember them. These are just a few ways to try and increase your confidence and contentment in yourself in your everyday life and learn how to reflect on them.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.