
Sometimes I can be very indecisive. Even over small things that don't really matter. Usually I don't really feel strongly either way, there are pros and cons on both sides, Paramis to be developed either way, yet I find it hard to commit. This wavering and doubt in the mind is uncomfortable. How can I more quickly find a solution that is right for me and best all around?


In order to know what we really want to do, we have to understand what is important to us. A three-way reflection is often very helpful. To reflect on our dedication of intention, to reflect on death, and to reflect on "to care and not to care." This is so that we see that whichever way we go we will develop more Paramis. We're just pulling back from that due to a wish not to bring forth energy. Sometimes we waver a lot because we want to know the result of things too much, rather than just looking at our intention. Trying too hard to work out what is going to happen, and looking too far into the future, trying to figure out, "If I do this, then what's going to happen, and then what will I do, and then what will I do?" Many people get lost in these types of considerations. But we may never actually have to meet some of the crossroads if we go the other way.

Try to observe your intentions more. And once we've made the decision, to not always be looking back, "Well, what if I had made the other decision, would it have been better than this?"

Making decisions, we have to know what is important. If we were going to die tomorrow, what way would help us the most? And to develop more equanimity towards things that are not so important and to care more about those that are. One thing, when people come in wanting us to make the decision for them, we don't usually do that. We just suggest ways for them to make it themselves.

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