
Remember the person who didn't play by the Monopoly rules. How do we tell this person that we are not interested? We do not want to be with them any more? Especially when they are a good old friend?


It would depend on the person. It would depend a lot on the situation really because how you tell a person goodbye depends on the situation. It would be very difficult for me to cover every situation in a broad statement like that. It depends on how much we're involved with them, how much we seek their praise. But certainly if they are unbeneficial to us, we have to have compassion for ourselves and open ourselves to blame. Often times we also have to have compassion for them, especially if it's an abusive situation. If we stay around them and allow them to continue to abuse us, in many ways we're sending the message to them that it's quite ok for them to continue to act in those ways. So in those situations it's basically being truthful, to leave and not be concerned about their blame towards us. But that's a quite different situation to a person, maybe whom you just lost interest in being with, whose direction in life is diverging from ours so much that we don't have anything in common any more. Sometimes the way we can do this kindly is to just see less of them over time. They might be happy that we're doing that too, because they've lost interest as well. So it really depends on the situation and who you're talking about. If you have a specific situation you may want to ask about that in an interview.

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