
Do you have any tips for keeping mindfulness going during the turns in the walking meditation?


There's a little trick to increasing your awareness in your turns. I call it the 8-way turning. When you're coming to the end of the walking track and you stop, we encourage you to stop momentarily. It can be a little longer, it can be just a second, but to stop. We then have choices to make. You have a choice whether to turn right or whether to turn left. That's your first choice. After you've made that, you've got a second choice. If you turn right - do you start with taking the right foot and move it back, or do you take your left foot and move it forward? Same as if you're going to turn left you have two choices, whether your drop your left foot or whether you put your right foot in front. Now you have four alternatives, based on two choices, two times two is four. After you've turned around we advise you to stop again before starting the walking. When you've turned around and before you start, you have another choice. Do you start with your left foot or do you start with your right foot. So you've got three different choices, two times two times two - equals eight different ways that you can vary, you can make different every turning.

Now to pick up the mindfulness in the turns is to actually know what you're doing on these three choices and to not repeat it from what you were doing before. So from your last turn back there, you do a different one here. And to continually change at every turn, change those choices that you're making. That often perks up the awareness in your turns, keeps you more concentrated, keeps you more focused, so that you don't look around at everybody else.

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