
Can you, please, talk about Moral Shame?


I think I just did that before. Moral Shame and remorse, very important for actually transforming unbeneficial things into beneficial things, developing morality in our life because when we have good Morality we have less regret and more energy in our life. We look back at what we have done and we feel good about what we have done.

It's very important for developing Right Action and Right Speech, Right Livelihood and Right Intention. As I said Moral Shame is paired with Moral Dread, that is remembering the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Kamma, that everything we do in the present will have results and the person we are going to become is going to receive the results of that action in the present. So we have to develop Compassion for ourselves and the person we are going to become. Some people believe there is no result for their action, but everything has a result, so understanding the Law of Kamma, we have Compassion for the person we are going to become and the person we are dealing with in our life.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.