
Could you, please, explain the phrase, "Changing everything into the Path," more in detail?


Something comes to you that is unpleasant. You reject it, you hate it, you fight it. What good does that do? Something comes to you that's unpleasant, then you think, "Okay, this is unpleasant, how can I work with it? What sort of practice can I use for this." There it is, changing everything into the Path in this unpleasant situation which we used to fight and hate but now we are going to turn into a situation which is going to develop the Dharma and our abilities. Very simple.

When I talk about the Unpleasant Physical Sensations technique, I never ever say during the entire talk, we are going to get rid of the pain. If you are doing it in order to get rid of the pain, that's a wrong attitude. I never say we are going to get rid of the pain, but actually we are going to change our attitude towards it. We are going to change the aversion into acceptance and interest, wishing to learn something about it instead of wishing it to go away.

A typical example when people feel, "Oh it hurts," they shift their posture. Somebody else will say, "Okay, this is my path, this is my practice, what can I do with this? How can I turn what is normally aversion into my path and spiritual growth?"

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