
How does one purify their intentions more deeply so their actions, speech and thoughts are less motivated by wanting other's praise and fame?


Developing more Compassion, Confidence, and Wisdom. Being able to use mindfulness so that we investigate into our intentions. This is important, so that we can see in what areas we have the wrong intention, and in what areas we have beneficial intentions. This way we know our own personality more clearly and see in what areas we are more motivated to seek praise and fame. It is not only in worldly matters where we get a lot of people's praise and fame, but also in relationships where we are seeking a lot of attention from other people and our happiness depends on receiving it.

If we are able to develop more confidence in ourselves as well as having more compassion, loving-kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity to ourselves and others in these relationships we are able to have more inner contentment which helps us to not need so much attention and praise. This is because we are able to give ourselves more lovingkindness rather than seeking to feel worthy by receiving other people's praise and love.

It helps to reflect on the Dukkha of being attached to Fame and Praise, as well as the fear of receiving the opposite, if we need to be in the spotlight in the wider world, or interact with more people. Contrast this intention, which is motivated by craving, with the feeling of ease and lack of fear, that the compassionate intention, or actions based in generosity gives us. This will encourage us to transform unbeneficial intentions.

There is a vast difference between these two intentions, one has a neediness, one does not. One is dependent on what other people think of us, and one is not. Having an unwise intention is unsatisfactory and frustrating, because some things are beyond our power to control and being dependent on other's opinions leaves us open for much disappointment.

So having more wisdom helps us to purify our intention and redirect our thoughts towards more compassion. We realize that if we are more motivated by compassion we are not leaving ourselves vulnerable to other people's opinions, believing that their opinions are more important then our own.

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