
Isn't the compassionate wish of wishing for the ending of all Dukkha unrealistic? Can we also wish for something that is easier to achieve? How do we tie this seemingly very far goal to our daily life practice?


Whether you think it is realistic or unrealistic that people are able to lessen all greed, hatred, and ignorance, depends on how much confidence you have in the Four Noble Truths and how much confidence you have in the human potential. As we practice the Four Noble Truths and walk the Noble Eightfold Path in our life, we see there is a possibility to let go of Dukkha more moment-to-moment. This opens us to the possibility that it could be achievable on the ultimate level. With more wisdom and acceptance of the Four Noble Truths, the Three Characteristics of Existence, and seeing how we can let go of attachment along the way, we can see a lot of our Dukkha lessening. This gives us confidence that we are on the path leading out of Dukkha.

Certainly I am not a teacher who encourages people to always look toward the final result, otherwise I would not give the talk to new students last night about letting go and achieving; transforming the achieving motivation into the compassionate motivation, learning how to be more in the process.

So that is actually the second question. Can we also wish for something that is easier to achieve? Yes, the ending of Dukkha more moment-to-moment, by seeing into the cause of it more moment-to-moment and not getting overwhelmed by the top of the mountain.

How do we tie this seemingly very far goal to our daily practice? Again, coming into the present moment, developing the compassionate intention to try to see Dukkha, the cause of it and the ending of it more moment-to-moment. Developing the capacity to investigate into Dukkha when it is arising. The capacity to investigate into the Five Hindrances and letting them go, moment-to-moment. On the other side to know when the Factors of Enlightenment arise in the course of your practice, to know the causes of the arising and to sew more causes for their arising. This is moment-to-moment practice, understanding the qualities that bring rise to beneficial causes, that bring rise to beneficial qualities and the causes that help us to let go of suffering. The more you sow the causes for benefit, then the more the results will arise. Just wishing it to end doesn't make it happen.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.