
What is the Imposter Syndrome?


Many years ago Rosemary and I read a psychology book about what is called the "IP syndrome" or the "Imposter Syndrome". This is a mental state in which a person believes they are not good enough, even when they actually are good enough. Now the author, a psychologist, wrote about a classic example, one of her clients was an actor who is now dead, but some of you may remember him, his name was Yul Brynner. He had a shaved head, he was the first guy that made a shaved head fashionable. He is long dead now, but he was one of her clients whom she tried to help because he had an extreme case of IP syndrome.

Besides making movies Yul Brynner loved to perform on stage and his favorite performance was "The King and I". It was the king of Thailand with an English nanny or whatever. They made it into a movie but he loved doing The King and I on stage, so much so that he performed over 1000 times. Now, every single time he was nervous before he went on stage. Incredible. She worked with him many different ways, tried this technique, that technique, but she never could solve his imposter syndrome. She said in one place in the book, if I remember correctly, before going out on stage he would go up against the wall and push on it and breath very heavily before he went out, because he was so scared. Even though he knew the words perfectly, he had done it 1000 times, it didn't stop. So this is a type of mental state that thinks we can't do it, thinks we are an imposter, we are faking it, even though we really can do it.

Now, with the techniques that we teach here people can work with the Imposter Syndrome. The Imposture Syndrome is something that comes up for many people and almost any technique we teach will help, especially if you reflect on your good past Kamma. Reflect on everything that you can do, get that more into your mind, rather than being afraid of what you can't do.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.