
What is the difference between Ego and Mara?


Well, you know, we can get the Ego on our side. Depends what questions we ask it. There are beneficial questions and unbeneficial questions. There are sides of ourselves, which are beneficial, that we want to increase, and there are sides that are not so beneficial. Unless we have become enlightened we are not totally free of conceit, so we have to get the ego on our side. It is the ignorant Mara that we would like to ignore or be able to go beyond. Mara is ignorance. I suppose ultimately you could say Mara is ego, but at our level we have to make a distinction I think, between beneficial and unbeneficial ego, because without confidence in oneself one doesn't practice. Sometimes this is a problem for some people with this idea of Anatta, that they think they have to go beyond all ego at the present, but if we wanted to go to Koh Samui we don't jump off the boat in the middle of the sea. We wait until we get to Koh Samui.

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