
Please, if I'm not sure about having a baby and helping it to grow up, what questions can I ask myself?


If you are not sure about having a baby, ask yourself whether you are really willing to give the child the amount of time necessary to give them a good upbringing. Children take a lot of time. Sometimes when people are going to have a baby, they only look at the pleasure they may have and not the responsibility of the amount of time, the amount of care and patience, and the self-sacrifice needed to provide a good upbringing for this child.

Especially in these days, a lot of children are being brought up not by their parents, they are being brought up by other people. So ask yourself whether you are willing to give the time to the child. Whether you are going to be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to have the child and whether you really need the child, seeing there are so many children in the world already who would like to have parents and don't. Do we need to actually have our own child? A few questions, so that we can see both sides and not just the so-called pleasure, but also the responsibility involved in having a child.

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