
What technique do you use to bring up some questions, but you kind of want them to come up, because by asking them you might discover some deeper wisdom?


We are going to give you quite a few reflection type questions during this retreat, but sometimes you have to be careful with wanting to bring things up. Some people when they are in retreat, especially people who have done quite a few retreats - they are in retreat and things are going quite smoothly, yet they are getting worried. They are worried that nothing is going to come up! And they are waiting for something to come up! Actually the worry has come up! What we basically explain to people who are going fine, nothing major is coming up, what we say is, "Work harder on strengthening your muscles at that time, so you are ready when the stuff does come." It is going to come, right? Unless you are enlightened, stuff is going to come. You don't have to force it to come up, because in a different way we might be coming attached to wanting Dukkha. That is yucky! Be careful that you don't get attached to wanting Dukkha.

One of our students actually just loves to have something to work with. We keep telling them, "No, it is fine to work with things when they come up, but don't love to have something to work with, because it is a subtle attachment, it is that holding on to fire, feeding it. We just love to beat it some more, and beat it some more." So you have to be careful with wanting to bring stuff up.

On another side, the technique we are going to give you later is regarding a reflection on the Ten Paramis, and that particular reflection is designed to bring up wise thoughts. It is designed not only to bring up wise thoughts, but to bring up wise decisions in your life regarding all the different Ten Paramis. So that is one technique which is very helpful when you feel that your practice is kind of stagnated, you are not growing enough, do the Ten Parami reflection we teach you later and that will stimulate more questions and so on in a positive way.

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