
What is the connection between the Noble Eightfold Path and the Ten Paramis? Is the development of the Paramis an effect of walking the Noble Eightfold Path? Can you please explain more about it?


In Rosemary's Day 10 talk, she talks about a multi-facetted diamond. If you ever have looked at an actual diamond, not in a ring, but at a diamond itself, usually it has a longer point at the bottom and smaller points at the top, so it has got different sides to it, that is why it is called multi-facetted, multi-sided, and all the sides look a bit different. The Dhamma is very similar to that. It is the same Dhamma, but when we look at it from one angle it looks differently to when we looked at it from another angle.

The Noble Eightfold Path is one way to look at the Dhamma. The Ten Paramis is another way to look at the Dhamma. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness can be another way. These are all different ways of looking at the Dhamma. They are going to work together, because like a diamond you can't just take one side off and put it there, take another side off and put it there, it is one unit. But depending on how we are looking at it, it looks very different. When we walk the Noble Eightfold Path, we are developing the Paramis. As we are developing the Paramis, we are walking the Noble Eightfold Path. They are very much tied in together.

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