
You emphasize to reflect on the Ten Paramis, could you repeat the way of asking the three questions and maybe other ways to do reflection on the Paramis?


These three questions, does that refer to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha? I'm not sure what the three questions are. We are going to teach a reflection on the Ten Paramis later on in the retreat, and as to asking yourself questions on each of the Paramis - take the first one, Generosity, you could ask yourself, "How does my work relate to my Parami of Generosity? How does my family life relate to my work on Generosity? How does my recreation activity relate to my work on Generosity?"

This is one way of looking at the Paramis. How do your actions relate, how does your speech relate, how do your thoughts relate? This is another way of looking at the Paramis. So with regard to the Ten Paramis, there are different ways to looking at them and asking yourself questions as to how you are developing or how your activities are relating to the Paramis. This can be very helpful so that you are always questioning what you are doing, as to whether it is really beneficial or not, whether it is really helpful or not, for you, for others, now or in the future.

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