
Can you talk more about the feelings of guilt, generosity, and morality?


Guilt or remorse. If we have guilt, we usually have seen that we have done unskillful actions in the past. If we are experiencing Moral Shame or remorse it can be very helpful to investigate and acknowledge these feelings using the Truthfulness Parami, that we have done actions that are unskillful and have caused unbeneficial things for ourselves and others. However, we have to go beyond this and use it wisely, making a determination, this is where the Determination Parami comes in, a determination that we try to avoid the same suffering for ourselves and others in the future. Then we investigate to see if we have changed in our understanding from the person we were. If we have changed in our understanding, then we can learn how to forgive the person we were, having compassion for them.

As far as morality and generosity, making good Kamma in the present helps to make us feel good about ourselves. To realize we have changed, and feel happiness with our good actions. So the more generous we are, the more actions we will be happy about and we can learn to reflect on our good Kamma and not just focus on the things that we did in a negative way. It encourages us to do more good Kamma which helps develop our morality, because we want to avoid unskillful actions that we regret and feel guilty about.

When we see the Dukkha such actions bring we have compassion for the person we are going to become by being aware of our actions, speech and thoughts and trying to avoid having to deal with heavy feelings of Moral Shame all the time. Because once we have done an unskillful action, we have to go through all this process of forgiving the person we were and start over again. It is much easier not to do it, to bring up the effort to prevent. So better to have compassion for the person we are going to become and not to then have to do all that work.

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