
You spoke about meditating on the Ten Paramis in pairs, and reflecting on how they make each other stronger. Could you please give some examples?


For example, Generosity and Morality. If you look at Morality, a lot of the time people who are doing unskillful things have excessive desire, stealing things because of their desire. Lying often comes from desire. So by developing more Generosity we lessen the force of unskillful desire in our mind. So Generosity helps with the development of Morality.

Generosity and Renunciation - seems obvious that one. It is easier to develop Renunciation if we develop a generous mind. Giving up, developing more wishing to give rather then wanting. Lessening our desires.

Generosity and Wisdom - Wisdom helps to strengthen our Generosity so that we know whom to give to and what to give. It prevents our Generosity from becoming misguided.

Generosity and Energy - well if we are generous we have a lot of energy from Sympathetic Joy, so it helps the development of Energy. When we are more energetic, we feel more generous, we have more to give. So there we go, there are a few to get you going.

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