
The Brahma Viharas are called the "unselfish emotions." Could you please talk about Equanimity as an unselfish emotion?


Equanimity has to be tied to the others. With Equanimity by itself, you're not going to see much of an unselfish nature unless you're seeing how it relates to the others at the same time. When we talk about the Brahma Viharas, Equanimity is part of the other three, and Compassion is part of the other three also in a different way. So, Equanimity and Compassion always want to be together, which was why it was your 5th Reflection, now called your 7th Reflection.

Equanimity and Compassion want to go together. Equanimity is our strengthening agent. It makes us strong, and in that strength we feel more contentment. When we're content we're not so selfish. We don't "want, want, want," we don't even want the world centered around ourselves. If we're content, it doesn't matter. Equanimity gives us our strength, we're balanced. We're not "wanting, wanting, wanting", or "hating, hating, hating," we're balanced. So this Equanimity gives us a type of contentment, which allows us to be selfless. We're strong enough, we don't need anything from other people. In this way, Equanimity helps with unselfish emotions.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.