
Can you please explain "abode" and "environment" from the 7 Suitables?


As I understand it, one means just your home living conditions. The other means everything outside of that. So that would be your work place, your play place, where you go on the weekends, and so on.

So one is specifically your home environment, which is so important. How many hours of the day do you spend at home? Granted, a majority of that is probably asleep! None-the-less, your home is your home, that's a special place. The Buddha specified the difference, so this should be looked at very clearly. Then everything else, outside your home, should be looked at slightly differently.

You obviously have more control over your home. Do you have a certain place in your home that is your "meditation corner," or your "meditation room"? Do you have any Buddha statues in your place? You can do that sort of thing in your home. You can't always put Buddha statues in your working place! So obviously there's difference, and I believe that's why the Buddha listed them as being different.

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